This page hosts a directory for finding my various works that aren’t up on this site itself.
You can read my fiction in the following places.
By the end of 2021, I hope to have revised and published (or self-published) three novels.
Daughter of Spades is my first novel, a contemporary speculative fiction piece with visionary elements. As of the last time I updated this page, it’s going into its third round of revision.
Babylon Recursion is a cyberpunk novel set in the same universe as “Babylon’s Echo”.
Aspects of Sand is a fantasy apocalyptic novel, posted live to my Wattpad and PeakD profiles as I write it.
When links to buy my books are available, I’ll post them here.
My Wattpad account features many of my older (pre-MFA) writings, with smatterings of more recent content.
I’m also using it to post my upcoming novel Aspects of Sand.
Coming soon.
I maintain a blog at, where I talk about whatever I feel like writing posts on. It’s not focused on writing like the blog here is. Typically I post reviews, breakdowns of text I’ve read, or philosophical musings.
Loreshaper Games is my own game label. You can find my games on or DriveThruRPG through the links below. I also maintain a development blog, which you can check out on PeakD.
In 2019, I worked with SIXMOREVODKA on a major supplement for their ENNIE-nominated roleplaying game Degenesis.
Artifacts was the work of Liam Foley, Renart De Maupertuis, and myself, and focused on expanding the game mechanics and rich lore of Christian Gunther and Marko Djurdjevic’s Degenesis with new rules for survival, gear, and threats in a primal post-apocalyptic world.
Note: Degenesis is aimed at a 16+ audience, and features adult themes. The website may not be safe for work.